Funded Grant Projects
- 2000-2006: PI, NSF Information
Technology Grant ITR #0085921, Investigation of a Model
for Online Creation and Sharing in Educational Settings
2001-2003: PI, Research
Experience for Teachers (Supplement to NSF-ITR 0085921)
2001: PI, NSF Supplement
National SMETE Digital Library with UC Berkeley
2002: Co-PI, NSF
PGE/RES/PLN #0225215. How does Technology Affect Gender Equity in Science
Education? A Retrospective and Prospective Study
2003-2009: Co-PI, NSF
DUE #0243126. Diagnostic Question Clusters: Development and Testing
in Introductory Geology and Biology
- 2004: PI, Concord Consortium, Ready to Teach
- 2007-2010: Co-PI, ELAN III, State of Lower Saxony, Germany, eÜbungen
- 2007-2011: Co-PI, NSF DUE #0717790. Collaborative
Research: Community development of an expanded Geoscience Concept Inventory:
A webcenter for question generation, validation and online testing
- 2013: Lehren Project, with Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences
- 2017: PI, American Physical Society, Physics Education Games: From Proof-of-Concept to Publication
- 2018: Collaborator, ETH Zurich, Mixed-Reality Visualization of Scalar and Vector Fields
- 2020: PI, Swiss National Science Foundation, Scientific Exchange - ICED 2020 (cancelled due to COVID-19)
- 2021-2024: Co-PI, swissuniversities, P-7: Lehrveranstaltungen für Alle - Barrierefreier Unterricht an Hochschulen
- 2021-2024: Co-PI, swissuniversities, P-8: Transversal computational thinking - supporting responsible computational problem solving across domains
- 2021-2024: Co-PI, swissuniversities, P-8: Mastering Open Educational Resources (OERs) and Open Educational Platforms (OEPs)
- since 2025: Co-PI, swissuniversities, P-8: Open Education and Digital Competencies
- since 2025: PI, swissuniversities, P-7: KI für Hindernisfreiheit von Lehrmitteln
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, 1988-1994
Best Paper
Award, IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 1998
LON-CAPA: ComputerWorld
21st Century Achievement Award, Winner, Education & Academia
Category, 2003
- LON-CAPA: Sloan-C, Most Outstanding Effective
Practice Award, 2004
- Teacher Scholar Award, Michigan
State University, 2008
- LON-CAPA/ELAN III/eÜbungen: European eLearning Award, Finalist, 2009
- Lyman Briggs College Graduating Class Honorary Faculty Certificate, 2010
- Lower Saxony, campusemerge award for excellent use of multimedia in postsecondary education (with Riegler group, Ostfalia University, project vitaMIN(T)), 2011
- American Physical Society, Outstanding Referee Award, 2012
- A Slower Speed of Light: Best Game - Student Category, Serious Games Showcase, I/ITSEC, 2013
- Einstein's Playground: Finalist, Jackson Hole Science Media Awards, 2016
- QS Reimagine Education Awards, Best Use of Generative AI, Shortlisted, 2023
Conferences Organized
- Organizer and Host: 2001 LON-CAPA Conference, Michigan State University, 30 participants from 15 institutions
- Organizer: 2002 LON-CAPA Conference, Florida State University, 56 participants from 22 institutions
- Organizer: 2003 LON-CAPA Conference, Truckee Meadows Community College, 72 participants from 28 institutions
- Organizer: 2004 LON-CAPA Conference, George Washington University, 70 participants from 29 institutions
- Organizer: 2005 LON-CAPA Conference, University of South Carolina, 74 participants from 24 institutions
- Host: 2005 Educause Summer Focus Session, Michigan State University, Rethinking the Classroom: Designs for Interaction, 75 participants from 36 institutions
- Organizer and Host: 2006 LON-CAPA Conference, Michigan State University, 86 participants from 28 institutions
- Organizer: 2007 LON-CAPA Conference, University of Illinois, 51 participants from 11 institutions
- Organizer: 2008 LON-CAPA Conference, Simon Fraser University, 45 participants from 13 institutions
- Organizer and Host: 2009 LON-CAPA Conference, Michigan State University, 47 participants from 15 institutions
- Co-Organizer: 2010 LON-CAPA Conference, Dalhousie University, 31 participants from 10 institutions
- Organizer: 2011 LON-CAPA Conference, Virginia Commonwealth University, 45 participants from 9 institutions
- Co-Organizer: 2012 LON-CAPA Conference, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 32 participants from 8 institutions
- Organizer and Host: 2013 LON-CAPA Conference, Michigan State University, 23 participants from 8 institutions
- Organizer: 2014 LON-CAPA Conference, East Lansing, MI, 37 participants from 15 institutions
- Organizer and Host: 2015 LON-CAPA Conference, Michigan State University, 30 participants from 9 institutions
- Co-Organizer: 2016 LON-CAPA Conference, Purdue University, 22 participants from 5 institutions
- Organizer and Host: 2017 LON-CAPA Conference, Michigan State University, 21 participants from 7 institutions
- Co-Organizer: 2018 LON-CAPA Conference, Purdue University, 22 participants from 5 institutions
- Co-Organizer: 2019 LON-CAPA Conference, University of Illinois, 19 participants from 6 institutions
- Co-Organizer: 2020 Tag Hindernisfreie Lehre, ETH Zurich, > 50 participants
- Co-Convener: 2020 International Consortium for Educational Development Conference, ETH Zürich, >400 participants registered, cancelled due to COVID-19
- Organizer and Co-Host: 2020 Workshop, Next Generation Learning Management System, ETH Zürich and FernUniversität in Hagen, 70 participants, moved online due to COVID-19
- Co-Organizer: 2021 European Women Rectors Association (EWORA) Webinar, Rethinking Higher Education: Blended Learning, 59 participants
- Organizer: DELFI 2021 Workshop, A User-Model for a Next Generation Learning Management System, 25 participants
- Co-Organizer: 2021 CampusSource/ETH Online Workshop, BMBF open-source online Metabildungsplattform, 127 participants
- Co-Organizer: 2021 OER Conference, swissuniversities P-8 program, 40 participants
- Co-Organizer: 2023 Open Education Day, swissuniversities P-8 track, 110 participants
- Co-Organizer: 2023 Physics "New" Faculty Workshop (Europe), Monte Verita, 54 participants
- Co-Organizer: 2023 GMW/CampusSource Tagung, Ernst Abbe Hochschule Jena, 60 participants
- Co-Organizer: 2024 Open Education Day, swissuniversities P-8 track, 135 participants
- Co-Organizer and Host: 2024 Forum AI for STEM Education, ETH Zurich, 60 participants
- Co-Organizer and Host: 2024 GMW/CampusSource Tagung, ETH Zurich, 70 participants
- 1999-2003: MSU Service/Outreach
Technology Committee (Chair 2002-2003)
- 2002-2007: MSU Instructional
Computing Technology Committee (Chair 2006-2007)
- 2003: Faculty Advisory Board,
MSU Science Theatre
- 2008-2011: MSU Faculty/Academic Council (Academic Governance)
- 2008: MSU Awards Committee
- 2012-2017: MSU University Committee on Faculty Affairs (UCFA)
- 2012-2017: MSU University Committee on Faculty Affairs Subcommittee on Budget (Chair 2013-2015)
- Event Supervisor, Michigan Science Olympiad State Tournament (10 years/events)
- since 2008: Editorial Board, e-learning and education (eleed)
- 2010-2014: Advisory Board, NSDL Digital Resource Discovery project, Ecological Society of America
- 2011-2015: Faculty Working Group for Upper-Division Electricity and Magnetism, University of Colorado Physics Education Research Group
- 2013-2016: Scientific Advisory Board, Didaktik Zentrum (DiZ) Bayern
- 2016-2018: Faculty Advisor, Lyman Briggs College Maker Club
- 2017-2018: MSU International Studies and Programs, Advisory Consultative Committee
- 2017-2018: MSU Entrepreneurship and Innovation Faculty Advisory Committee
- since 2022: Member WikiProjekt Hochschullehre
- since 2024: Member ETH Ethics Committee
- since 2024: Coach and Judge, Schweizer Wettbewerb Künstliche Intelligenz